Where are you aiming?

What is your mission? I think that’s a very important question that we all need to have an answer for. If I don’t have a personal mission then how do I know where I’m headed and if I’m taking the right path or not. My mission statement is my target, it’s what I’m aiming for. Having that mission or target allows me to see if I start veering one way or another off track so I can correct but if I didn’t have anything to aim for I wouldn’t be able to see that.

The same goes for our crews. If we don’t have that crew mission then we’re all just wondering around aimlessly letting our paths be dictated by whatever outside variables we encounter. That’s not a risk I’m willing to take, I’m not leaving the fate and the culture of my crew up to chance and just hope that everything works out for the best. We’re going to create our crew’s mission and we’re going to fight for that mission because it’s something we believe in.

Find your mission, know what you’re aiming at, and get after it!

Stay Humble a & Do Work!!


a warrior of your people


Pursue Daily growth